What does it mean for someone to find purpose without religion? Where would we be without religion? Can you leave Islam and still find yourself in the cultures of the Muslim world?
These questions and many more face those of us who chose to change our paths to be different than those based in religion. Join us in an in-depth discussion about how we can be people of Muslim backgrounds outside the Eurocentric gaze of what it means to leave Islam.
This is an An-Nas and Formerly Fundamentalist joint event on the experience of leaving Islam while maintaining a connection with cultural and humanist backgrounds. The event will be held on Google Meet. Link to be shared with attendees.
You can also view this event on Facebook and Meetup.
An-Nas is an ethics-based community for humanists from Muslim backgrounds dedicated to providing opportunities for personal growth, promoting social justice, and contributing to an inclusive, multicultural humanism through engagement with the arts, sciences, and humanities in intersectional spaces. We invite you to read about our values and learn more about the organization.